Anybody succeded in running Maxima with SBCL?

Yes :-)  If you are adventurous apply the patch

to your copy of the current Maxima CVS tree.  Then run `bootstrap',
(you need automake and autoconf) `configure --enable-sbcl' and `make'.

SBCL will pass the test suite except where `kill(rules)' is expected
to work correctly.  It doesn't, but this is Maxima's fault, not SBCL's
(Maxima assumes that compiled rules are built-in and therefore
shouldn't be removed, but SBCL compiles everything, so nothing is
removed).  Note that this causes some tests to fail with `circular
rule attempted'.

By the way, you should also use the current (at least CVS
version of SBCL because it fixes a bug which had strange consequences
in Maxima.
