problem calling MAXIMA function at lisp level

wang yin <> writes:

>   I tried to  do something as the MAXIMA manual says:
>   at MAXIMA level, I define a function:
> (C1) FOO(X, Y) := X + Y + 3;
>   then, I press Ctrl-C to enter lisp level, and :
> MAXIMA>>(mfuncall '$foo 4 5)
>   but I got the following answer:
> (($FOO SIMP) 4 5)
>   not 12 as the manual says.

Your example works as expected under cmucl/x86:
(C1) FOO(X, Y) := X + Y + 3;
(D1)                        FOO(X, Y) := X + Y + 3
(C2) to_lisp();
Type (run) to restart
* (mfuncall '$foo 4 5)

Note however what happens when the function name is typed in lower case:
* (run)
Maxima restarted.
(C3) bar(x, y) := x + y + 3;

(D3)                        bar(x, y) := x + y + 3
(C4) to_lisp();
Type (run) to restart
* (mfuncall '$bar 4 5) 
(($BAR SIMP) 4 5)
* (apropos "$bar")
|$bar| ;; From MAXIMA
$BAR   ;; From the lisp reader

MAXIMA symbol case apparently works differently on different
