HELP needed: Taylor bugs


> You can try this, which is, I think, computationally pretty harmless
> except it will use up some symbol space until the next garbage
> collection:

> (let ((varlist nil)(genvar nil)(a (fpoly1 ....))  ... ??....)   

Ok, I replaced 

(defun fpolysum (e)
  (let ((a (fpoly1 (setq e ($expand ($ratdisrep ($rat e *var*))))))


(defun fpolysum (e)
  (let ((varlist nil) (genvar nil))
     (let ((a (fpoly1 (setq e ($expand ($ratdisrep ($rat e *var*))))))

(which is probably what you meant)

and I get the right result for


(I didn't run any tests...)

Is this a bug fix? I have the feeling that there is a bug hiding
somewhere. In particular, I do not understand why it MAY happen that
genvar contain rubbish. I may be overexact, but I would believe that
genvar should be cleaned up after use...

> ... what is returned from fpolysum is nil??

I do not understand this sentence. Please explain.

> PS.  it would be nice to know what is supposed to be done here.  There
> are various other programs like $ratexpand that expand polynomials.  Or
> is it not really a polynomial? RJF

I do not understand this question either. Please explain. (sorry, I'm
afraid I'm being annoying)

Another question: In hayat.lisp I find

(defun tsprsum (f l type)
   (if (mfree f tvars) (newsym f)
      (let ((li (ncons (car l))) (hi (caddr l)) (lv (ncons (cadr l))) a aa
            ($maxtayorder () ))         ;; needed to determine when terms 
are 0
         (if (and (numberp (car lv)) (numberp hi) (greaterp (car lv) hi))
             (if (eq type '%SUM) (taylor2 0) (taylor2 1))
            (if (eq type '%SUM) (setq type () ))
            (do ((m (f* ([max-trunc]) (^ 2 $taylordepth))) (k 0 (f1+ k))
                 (ans ;(mlet li lv (taylor2 (meval f)))
                      (taylor2 (MAXIMA-SUBSTITUTE (car lv) (car li) f))))
                ((equal hi (car lv)) ans)
               (rplaca lv (m1+ (car lv)))
               ;; A cheap heuristic to catch infinite recursion when
               ;; possible, should be improved in the future
               (if (> k m) (exp-pt-err)
                  (setq a ;(mlet li lv (taylor2 (setq aa (meval f))))
                        (taylor2 (MAXIMA-SUBSTITUTE (car lv) (car li) 
               (if type
                   (if (and (1p (car a)) (1p (cdr a)) (not (1p aa)))
                       (return ans)
                      (setq ans (pstimes a ans)))
                  (if (and (rczerop a) (not (signp e aa)))
                      (return ans)
                     (setq ans (psplus ans a)))))))))

I do not understand the very first "if" statement, it seems to have 4 

(and (numberp ... ... hi))

(if (eq type '%SUM) (taylor2 0) (taylor2 1))

(if (eq type '%SUM) (setq type () ))

(do ... )


Did I miss something?