The message "v u partitions product" is a warning that
the pattern matcher will try to partition a product, but
actually doesn't exhaustively try all possible partitions.
It tries essentially ONE.
For example, pat1(sin(x)*cos(t)) should work, but
pat1(x^2*sin(x)*t^2*cos(t)) will fail.
It doesn't actually matter in your example, because you
don't even give it a product. Pattern matching doesn't
exhaustively try all possible simplifications or transformations
to make an expression match.
You could try defmatch(pat2,exp(u+v)) and that would
work for exp(x+t).
It wouldn't work for exp(x+sin(x)+t+cos(t)) though.
If you really want to collect all the terms that pass some filter, like
freeof(x), then you can write a small loop to do this
if h: x + sin(x)+t +cos(t)
you can look at the main operator part(h,0) and
depending on that, do something like
p1:[]; p2:[];
for i:1 thru length(h) do if (r:patx(part(h,i))) then p1:cons(r,p1)
else p2:cons(r,p2);
Of course if part(h,0) is "^" and part(h,1) is a constant like %e,
you would do something else.
The patterns may be used recursively, perhaps.
Good luck.
Andrei Zorine wrote:
> Hello there,
> I've tried the following in Maxima 5.9.0rc3:
> (C1) matchdeclare(u,freeof(x))$
> (C2) matchdeclare(v,freeof(t))$
> (C3) defmatch(pat1, u*v)$
> v u partitions PRODUCT
> (C4) pat1(exp(x+t));
> (D4) FALSE
> I'd expect [u=%E^t, v=%E^x] instead.
> --
> A.Z.
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