problem running MAXIMA in Emacs

Martin RUBEY <> writes:

> > >   I can do some movings among the forms as maxima.el says. I can
> > >   complete MAXIMA  key words with M-Tab. The syntax is highlighted
> > >   correctly.  
> > >   
> > >   But when I hit C-cC-r to send the region to MAXIMA or hit M-Ret
> > >   C-Ret that will invoke MAXIMA, my mouse pointer becomes clock
> > >   shaped and I wait and wait, it just stuck! I can only hit C-g to
> > >   get out. I still can't evaluate anything in Emacs. What's wrong? 
> The same happened to me some time ago, sometimes... (I'm afraid, I can't 
> reproduce it)
> One thing I did notice is the following: pressing C-g in Emacs helps, 
> as soon as the *maxima* buffer is there everything worked. 

Okay, thanks, I'll look at how Maxima is started.

> Also, don't move (switch buffers or the like) until maxima has
> processed your input sent with M-Ret or the like, you will have to
> use C-g again...

You shouldn't be able to move while maxima is processing the input
(this is so more than one input can't be sent, and, more importantly,
in cases like emaxima where the output is returned, the output will
be returned to the right spot).  Trying to move shouldn't cause a
problem, here is something else to fix...  (perhaps the problems are

Jay Belanger