Other than the command powerseries() ? There are a few programs
around to rearrange index values, pull terms out of sum, etc.
What did you want?
taylor() does truncated power series, as you know.
Daniel Duparc wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 18:21:27 +0100 (CET)
> Martin RUBEY <rubey@labri.fr> wrote:
>>Is anybody aware of a formal power series package for maxima?
> So you want other functions than those described
> in the chapter "Series" of the "Maxima Manual"
> (chapter 29)?
> I have another problem: I don't know how
> to use the function "revert" described
> in this chapter(e.g. how to invert the
> Taylor series of sin(x)).
> Best regards.