Maxima -> MathML converter


Purely for my own interest/amusement, I've written 
an extension to Maxima which will output presentation 
MathML.  Is this something that folk think would be 
useful to contribute to the main source tree (after 
5.9.0 unfreezes)?

(It's visible at

I wanted to learn more about MathML, learn more about 
Maxima, and I wanted to brush up on my Lisp, so this 
project seemed like a good way to do all three -- but 
it does mean that it is essentially written by a 
beginner.   However, I've run all of the outputs from 
tests/rtest*.mac through it and generated MathML output 
that looks OK and which Mozilla doesn't barf on, so it 
can't be *too* bad...

The new module is heavily based on mactex.lisp, but at 
present I've only tested with CLISP and with display in 
Mozilla (I'm having problems building 5.9.0rc3 with GCL 
and CMUCL, and IE6/MathPlayer has brain-death problems 
with the standard XHTML+MathML DTD).  If it's going to 
be useful to others, I can put more effort into testing 
other combinations.

David Drysdale