Email and bug reports often include transcripts of Maxima sessions (a
good thing). Unfortunately, the layout often gets garbled because Tabs
are not treated consistently across mail programs, HTML, etc. Even for
mail programs that display tabs correctly, everything gets screwed up as
soon as the original mail is indented for quoting ("> " at the beginning
of the line).
So if you include transcripts in mail or bug reports, please either
1) Change the tabs to spaces (e.g. using Unix expand or Emacs untabify).
This is better if it is important to be able to read the expression.
2) Turn off Display2D when generating the transcript. This is better if
it would be useful to cut and paste the expression back into an input
Example (this may or may not display correctly in your mail reader):
(C47) taylor(erf(x),x,0,5);
3 5
(2 SQRT(%PI)) x (2 SQRT(%PI)) x SQRT(%PI) x
(D47)/T/ --------------- - ---------------- + ------------ + . . .
%PI 3 %PI 5 %PI
What that looks like in some mail readers:
3 5
(2 SQRT(%PI)) x (2 SQRT(%PI)) x SQRT(%PI) x
(D47)/T/ --------------- - ---------------- + ------------ + . . .
%PI 3 %PI 5 %PI
Same thing after untabify:
(C47) taylor(erf(x),x,0,5);
3 5
(2 SQRT(%PI)) x (2 SQRT(%PI)) x SQRT(%PI) x
(D47)/T/ --------------- - ---------------- + ------------ + . . .
%PI 3 %PI 5 %PI
Using display2d:false:
(C48) display2d:false;
(C49) d47;
(D49) 2*SQRT(%PI)*x/%PI-2*SQRT(%PI)*x^3/(3*%PI)+SQRT(%PI)*x^5/(5*%PI)