another two bugs in solver

1. first bug

GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  Version(2.5.0) Sun Nov 17 15:58:09 CET 2002
Licensed under GNU Library General Public License
Contains Enhancements by W. Schelter
Maxima 5.9.0rc3
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
This is a development version of Maxima. The function bug_report()
provides bug reporting information.
(C1) EquationP(e):=if part(e,0)="=" then true else false$

(C2) load("/usr/labri/rubey/maxima/src/binary-gcl/comm.o")$

(C3) load("/usr/labri/rubey/maxima/src/binary-gcl/mutils.o")$

(C4) load("/usr/labri/rubey/maxima/src/binary-gcl/set.o")$

(C5) load("algebra/solver/misc")$

(C6) load("algebra/solver/solver")$

(C7) display2d:false$

(C8) trace(solve)$

(C9) solver([u-t*(u^(l+1)+u+1) = 0,1-t*((l+1)*u^l+1) = 0],[u,t],[l]);

1 Enter SOLVE [(-l-1)*t*u^l-t+1,u]
Is  l  an integer?

1 Exit  SOLVE [u = (1/(l*t+t)-t/(l*t+t))^(1/l)]
1 Enter SOLVE 
1 Exit  SOLVE [t = 
(D9) [[u = (-(t-1)/((l+1)*t))^(1/l),

The second item of the solution does not make t explicit, although solve 

2. second bug (I think this is known, but I'm not sure)

the second time solver is invoked, it is silently assumed that l is an 
integer. I think this assumption should be removed...

I'll post all three as a bug report


Unfortunately, maxima starts to become unusable for me now. I'm unhappy.