Hi, i'm new to maxima and i've looked at the archive, but i was not able to
find an answer to my question. well, thats my question:
what about this openplot thing when loaded in html files? it works well and
is there any website with information about available commands and syntax?
more precisely i've this in a html file:
<eval program=openplot>
plotdf -ode {d(x,t) = y; d(y,t)= -c*y-x*(1-x)*(x-a)}
-sliders {a=-2:4,c=-2:2} -parameters {a=1,c=0} -yradius 1 -xradius
2.5 -xcenter 1 -tstep .1
and ... how can i plot this scatter field in maxima with those
thanx for any information in advance, Harald