Dear Colleagues,
Please, permit me to add that, from the opposite side,
the LODE2 command is now present in Maxima (it is!,
related comments by Vadim Zhitnikov, many sincere
thanks for his work and recent comments too), which
is not present in the Reference Manuals. The LODE
package was prepared in MIT by S. Watanabe in
1983 and it's also useful in solving odes.
Naturally, I need to see further how I could used it
now, but it is very good package for linear differential
equations of the second order.
We could also see about this package too in due course.
Yet, the LODE2 command is not a complete substitute
for the missing ODE command. Many more files are
missing for ODE to work.
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Jenkner" <wjenkner at inode>
To: "Richard Fateman" <>
Cc: "Stavros Macrakis" <>; <>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 3:29 AM
Subject: Re: Contributed code (Was Re: [Maxima] Teaching)
> Richard Fateman <> writes:
> > Yes, it is my recollection that ODE2 replaced ODE.
> >
> > The various files mentioned date back to DOE Macsyma
> > and should be somewhere.
> But it seems that some files (not necessarily from the ODE package)
> were missing already at the time of the DOE-Macsyma fork and they were
> never recovered. Here is a comment from declin.mac:
> /* don't have this file in DOE-MACSYMA
> */
> In this case, I think that the missing file is the same which is
> called `genut' in other places (and for which we do have a
> reconstruction). Now, a comment in rncomb.mac states
> 12:32pm Friday, 14 January 1983
> Created.
> 12:00pm Saturday, 15 January 1983
> At JPG's suggestion, removed dependence on GENUT by bringing in copies
> 10:02am Sunday, 16 January 1983
> LCM name changed to LCM_L to avoid name conflict with LCM in
> */
> So I get the impression that the whole system was still very much in
> flux at the time of the fork. In this case it seems that genut was
> part of the DIAGEVAL tensor package which was not meant to become part
> of DOE-Macsyma (for whatever reason) but the omission of those parts
> of genut on which other files in DOE-Macsyma depended was accidental.
> Similar things might have happened for other parts of the system (in
> the case of ODE we do have diffequations/abel.mac and
> maxima/archive/share/unknown/series.usg, by the way)
> Is this a likely picture of what happened at that time (I have no idea
> of the `material' circumstances under which all this happened)?
> Since Stavros identified ASB (mentioned in the comment above) as Rick
> Brenner, we could also ask him, I guess.
> Wolfgang