Re: Towards a multilingual Maxima/XMaxima under Windows

Dear Jim,
Dear Colleagues,

This line in my pevious message has a serious error:

> encoding system "\maxima\maxima\bin\cp1252"

One should use a (forward) slash not a backslash, i.e.

encoding system "/maxima/maxima/bin/cp1252"

is the correct command. (Here is TCL not Windows!
Sincere apologies!) It is also undertsood that the
encoding files could be also obtained from a different 
directory where they should be present. (But why to 
be present? Should they? I am not sure!)

Additional encodings are CP1255 (for Hebrew),
CP1256 (for Arabic), etc., but I have not tested them so far.

I can add that no encoding can be used in Maxima/XMaxima
unless it is explicitly included in the freewrap command for
the preparation of xmaxima.exe. (Freewrap assumes only
the CP1252 as standard; no else.) Yet, only the encoding (one
encoding) for the symbols in the actual commands of Maxima 
and the output should be mentioned at the beginning of the 
xmaxima.tcl file. No other symbols are permitted: only English
(naturally) and those additional in this encoding (in my case
and in most users' case Greek symbols are the second 
preference in actual commands and output.). The additional 
encodings only for comments in Maxima lines or in separate
lines (but without Maxima output). These are my impressions 
(only impressions) so far with my little experience in English-
Greek Maxima/XMaxima.

Sincere apologies again and best regards,
