Maxima 5.9.0 has been released

Dear Jim,

Many thanks and congratulations again for your precious 
work with Maxima 5.9.0. I am continually and successfully
using it. No essential problem. (I have abandoned 5.5 beta!)

On Friday I have I have had a look in SIGSAM Bulletin
in our Central Library of our University, a very well-known 
ACM Quarterly Publication of the

Special Interest Group on Symbolic & Algebraic Manipulation
of the ACM.

In Vol. 36, No. 1, March 2002 issue (Issue 139) of the
Bulletin, there is a very short announcement about 

Axiom as Open Source, by T. Daly (p. 28 there).

Perhaps, it could be possible (I am not sure) that an
announcement (in the Announcements Section) about
Maxima and its new release could also be made by 
you in the SIGSAM Bulletin. Beyond the new release News
and your e-mail address, the home page of Maxima at
Sourceforge and the address of the present Mailing List
could also be mentioned (one page announcement).

Yet, I repeat, I do not know whether such an announcement
would be accepted for publication in SIGSAM Bulletin, but
this cannot be excluded after an announcement about Axiom 
by T. Daly.

Best regards from Patras,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Amundson" <amundson at fnal>
To: "Maxima List" <>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 3:00 PM
Subject: Maxima 5.9.0 has been released

> Everyone,
> Maxima 5.9.0 has been released. I will send announcements to
>, sci.math.symbolic, comp.lang.lisp and the OSCAS mailing
> list soon. Please let me know if you think of another forum for the
> announcement.
> I have attached the release notes, which are also available in the
> source tarball in the file NEWS.
> -- 
> James Amundson <>