OpenMCL port


I've compiled Maxima under OpenMCL, which is a GPLed Common Lisp derived
from MCL and can be found at OpenMCL runs
under MacOS X and LinuxPPC and is quite fast as it compiles to machine

There are some issues/bugs:
- pathname cannot handle the kind of stream used for
  *standard-input* and *standard-output*.
  Is it safe to just wrap ignore-errors around it (as I have done)?
- the tests with adding and deleting rules fail.
  probably the same thing as with sbcl, as openmcl also compiles
- to_lisp() doesn't work, describe(...) doesn't find the info directory
- the lisp prompt that comes up on errors doesn't do anything useful, but
  you can still (ccl::quit)

Yannick Versley

Attached file: maxima-openmcl.diff.gz