> forall(A,a->bool(e o a = a))
> (which essentially applies the given function to all elements
> of A and then takes the conjunction).
> Could something like that be done easily in maxima.
Yes, certainly. Here is the simplest way:
forall(func,list) := apply("and",map(func,list))$
forall(evenp,[2,4,6,100]) => true
forall(evenp,[2,4,8,3]) => false
This function also be written as a recursion or an iteration. However,
Maxima does not recognize tail-recursions, so it quickly runs out of
stack space. And the iterative version is 200 times slower than the
'map' version (even when translated automatically into Lisp -- of
course, a manual translation would be faster).
This forall requires explicitly listing the elements of A. Versions
using generators (in the programming language sense) or other
characterizations of the elements of A are also possible.
In your case, how big is A typically? There are many tricks possible
for making all this much more efficient for large A. If A is of size
10^5, then forall(evenp,A) takes about 1 sec on my 1 Ghz machine with no
optimizations at all.