Installing maxima with clisp, CLISP 2.30, CLISP 2.29 ?

I downloaded the sources of GCL (2.4.4) and Maxima (5.9.0.rc4) and both
compiled without problems.
If you don't like to compile anything, take the GCL binary package, since
GCL-compiled images are runnable ELF files and don't depend on GCL itself
(as far as I can tell).


> On my linux box, I installed   maxima-5.9.0, from the rpm package
> provided at sourceforge, with maxima-exec-clisp-5.9.0-1.i386.rpm, which
> requires CLISP 2.29, according to the README.
> I couldn't find clisp 2.29, so I used clisp 2.30.  After everything is
> installed, I tried starting maxima, and it tells me:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> $ maxima
> /usr/lib/clisp/base/ initialization file was not created by
> this version of LISP
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Can someone tell me a simple way to get around this, without getting an
> older version of clisp?  Are things smoother in general with CMUCL or
> GCL?