Maxima's TRACE is broken with newer CVS versions of Clisp. This is
due to what I think is an ANSI CL compatibility bug, which might turn
up again elsewhere or with another Lisp implementation, so perhaps it
is of some interest to other people, too.
The following artificial example (not involving Maxima) gives the
(let* ((list-1 (list 'foo t))
(list-2 list-1))
(setf (getf list-1 'bar) t)
=> (FOO T) in SBCL, ECL and Clisp 2.28
=> (BAR T FOO T) in the current CVS version of Clisp.
I think both results conform to ANSI CL, since the HyperSpec (GETF)
setf of getf is permitted to either write the value of place itself,
or modify of any part, car or cdr, of the list structure held by
(In the example above, the place is the variable LIST-1, and Maxima
behaves like it relied on SETF `writing' the value.)
In any case, I think it is easy to fix the TRACE bug.
MACSYMA-TRACE-SUB: Binding TEMP to some tail of FUN's MPROPS property
(as possibly returned by MACSYMA-FSYMEVAL) is bad because the call to
PUT-TRACE-INFO may modify it. Just bind TEMP to the CAR of the tail
instead (the type of FUN, something like MEXPR).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Index: mtrace.lisp
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/src/mtrace.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -r1.3 mtrace.lisp
*** mtrace.lisp 2 Jul 2002 14:17:28 -0000 1.3
--- mtrace.lisp 18 Feb 2003 04:27:39 -0000
*** 219,222 ****
--- 219,223 ----
(defun macsyma-trace-sub (fun handler ilist &aux temp)
+ (declare (symbol temp)) ; pathetic
(cond ((not (symbolp fun))
(mtell "~%Bad arg to TRACE: ~M" fun)
*** 232,246 ****
! ((null (setq temp (macsyma-fsymeval fun)))
(mtell "~%~@:M has no functional properties." fun)
! ((memq (car temp) '(mmacro translated-mmacro))
(mtell "~%~@:M is a macro, won't trace well, so use ~
the MACROEXPAND function to debug it." fun)
! ((get (car temp) 'shadow)
! (put-trace-info fun (car temp) ilist)
! (trace-fshadow fun (car temp)
! (make-trace-hook fun (car temp) handler))
(list fun))
--- 233,247 ----
! ((not (setq temp (car (macsyma-fsymeval fun))))
(mtell "~%~@:M has no functional properties." fun)
! ((memq temp '(mmacro translated-mmacro))
(mtell "~%~@:M is a macro, won't trace well, so use ~
the MACROEXPAND function to debug it." fun)
! ((get temp 'shadow)
! (put-trace-info fun temp ilist)
! (trace-fshadow fun temp
! (make-trace-hook fun temp handler))
(list fun))
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~