Renaming SI package and ACL

--- Wolfgang Jenkner <> wrote:
> James Amundson <> writes:
> > To my mind, there are six lisp implementations that are logical
> > possibilities for maxima: GCL, Clisp, CMUCL, ACL, SBCL and
> > OpenMCL. From a quick perusal of messages on the list it looks like
> > all six will be available soon.
> Wouldn't this be the right moment to base most of the implementation
> dependent stuff in macsys.lisp and elsewhere on Steingold's PORT
> package?

Took a quick look - very interesting.  Wolfgang, how much of an effort
would moving to this system be?  I can see the obvious benefits if we
do, but how many changes would it require?  More specifically, is there
a danger that some parts of Maxima might depend on some quirky detail
not implimented in the ports setup?  I suppose we could regard any such
dependance as a bug, or something to fix up in ports - the trick would
be detecting it.


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