Raymond Toy <toy@rtp.ericsson.se> writes:
> >>>>> "James" == James Amundson <amundson@fnal.gov> writes:
> James> Yes. In fact, I had ACL support in mind for 5.9.1. To my mind, there are
> James> six lisp implementations that are logical possibilities for maxima: GCL,
> James> Clisp, CMUCL, ACL, SBCL and OpenMCL. From a quick perusal of messages on
> James> the list it looks like all six will be available soon.
> What about Lispworks? Any one here have a full version of Lispworks?
I have a professional version of Lispworks 4.1 and am willing to do
some porting work if there's an interest in it.
There is only one war, and it's not the rich against the poor,
the blacks against the whites, the Federation against the Borg,
or the Democrats versus the Republicans. It's those of us who
aren't complete idiots against those of us who are.