I have checked in my SBCL patch without further changes and recompiled
Maxima with the current CVS version SBCL and also with Clisp
but not with GCL or CMUCL (if you have one of these two please try to
recompile Maxima and report success or failure).
If you want to compile Maxima with SBCL just do the usual
./bootstrap; ./configure --enable-sbcl; make
As for the current state of the Maxima/SBCL combination, I just copy
here what I wrote in previous messages:
SBCL will pass the test suite except where `kill(rules)' is expected
to work correctly. It doesn't, but this is Maxima's fault, not SBCL's
(Maxima assumes that compiled rules are built-in and therefore
shouldn't be removed, but SBCL compiles everything, so nothing is
removed). Note that this causes some tests to fail with `circular
rule attempted'.
Known bugs are various pathname (?) annoyances.