Well, there is a new version of my graphs package available
and its really good! :-)
do load("graphs.lisp"); to get it into maxima.
There is a todo list on the top, I'd be glad if you'd contribute... (it
should be rather easy to add your stuff, if you like to, please contact
Well, and I'd be even glad if you'd just try it out!
There is one thing which is not implemented yet and which I should
mention: subst, ev, ... won't do much with a hypergraph at the moment.
After sleep I will enable them to deal with the edge-weights. I think I
have a good idea there...
Currently the following functions are defined:
(graph_plot needs
installed, see http://pigale.sourceforge.net/installation.html. This is
very easy and really worth the effort!)
graph_plot (hgraph)
remove_edges (hgraph m-edges)
remove_loops (hgraph)
graph_difference (hgraph1 hgraph2)
contract_vertices (hgraph m-vertices)
graph_composition (hgraph &rest hgraphs)
graph_dim (hgraph)
edges (hgraph)
vertices (hgraph)
adjacency_matrix (hgraph)
spanning_trees (hgraph)
perfect_matchings (hgraph)
components (hgraph)
degree_sequence (hgraph)
Tutte (hgraph x y)
path (n)
cycle (n)
complete_product (hgraph1 hgraph2)
wheel (n)
fan (n)
complete_graph (n &optional weights)
threshold_graph (partition &optional weights)
three_aztec (n)