Fortran output

Sorry to inundate the list with so many questions at once.  I think I
asked these a couple of years ago so please forgive me if I've forgotten
the answers ...

1. On Fortran output, is there a way to cause floats to come out with a
   "d0" at the end? Some compilers really do want this.

2. My problem involves some mundane but huge expansions of products of
   polynomials. I don't care whether the Fortran is human-legible or
   not. Is it worth optimizing the expressions with optimize() (turning
   the block statements into a Fortran sequence by hand) or should I not
   bother, and just let the compiler do the optimization?

3. Is there a way to get "optimize" to handle multiple expressions,
   i.e. am computing a sequence of array elements, and there are
   apparently lots of common subexpressions among the individual array

4. On the subject of optimization, is there a way to get the Newton form
   of a polynomial?
