how to do this?

wang yin <> writes:

> I want to deduce n[v]=2*n-n[c]-2 from
> n[e]=1/2*(3*n[v]+n[c])
> 	and
> n-n[e]+n[v]=1
> Another words: I want to express n[v] in terms of other variables.
> But solve does't work this for me.
> What function should I use?

Maybe something like

(C1) eliminate([n[e]=1/2*(3*n[v]+n[c]),n-n[e]+n[v]=1],[n[e]]);
(D1) 			     [- n  + 2 n - n  - 2]
				 v	    c
(C2) solve(%,n[v]);
(D2) 			      [n  = 2 n - n  - 2]
				v	   c
