>>>>> "Yannick" == Yannick Versley <yversley@gmx.de> writes:
Yannick> Hi,
Yannick> I've updated my openmcl patch with the current CVS version (containing the
Yannick> sbcl and acl6 diffs) and checked that it still compiles and works under
Yannick> both gcl and sbcl.
Yannick> The new patch is on the patch tracker at SourceForge.
Yannick> Could someone please try it out and/or check it in?
Thanks for making an updated patch. Got around to trying it out. The
patch failed at one point, but the stuff before and after (with manual
tweaking) worked ok. I think I've correctly applied the failed part.
Anyway, it seems to work fairly well, but fails a fair number of the
tests. Most of the tests that involve floating-point results seem to
have single-precision results. (I think this is a bug in openmcl
because (integer-decode-float 1d20) returns results that match what
CMUCL/Clisp say for (integer-decode-float (float 1e20 1d20)).)
There are some other failures that I can't remember right now. Does
this match the kinds of results you get?
Since gcl/cmucl/sbcl/clisp all seem ok, I can check this patch in if
you like.