New user question

On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Stavros Macrakis wrote:

> James, give us some guidance here.  What are you looking for?  A
> qualitative characterization of the solutions?  A fast way of
> calculating solutions for particular parameter values?  What are the
> interesting ranges of the parameters?  Which are the interesting
> solutions? -- presumably only the ones with Bmin<B<Bmax and Fmin<F<Fmax,
> but in your example, one solution is near Bmin, two are near Bmax, and
> one is in between.  Are these all interesting solutions?

This is actually a homework problem for a course in mathematical
modelling.  It's a problem in population growth: given two species with
specified populations, growth rates & minimum viable populations (the
various parameters in my first message), find all the equilibrium points,
and determine whether they're stable or unstable.

For this particular problem a numeric solution is acceptable (and indeed I
could have hacked out a C program to do so in short order), but since one
goal of the course is to learn how to use symbolic math programs, I wanted
to try the symbolic route too.  So now I've at least learned that in this
instance, a symbolic solution isn't really practical :-)
