updated openmcl patch

>>>>> "Stavros" == Stavros Macrakis <stavros.macrakis@verizon.net> writes:

    >> ...I guess all platforms that we're interested in support
    Stavros> define-compiler-macro

    Stavros> Speaking of which, do we have any sort of coding guidelines saying what
    Stavros> we can and can't expect from the underlying Lisp?  If you develop in GCL

Not that I'm aware of, other than we should strive to ANSI CL code.

    Stavros> (avoiding implementation-specific features) can you expect the other
    Stavros> Lisps to be supersets?  Are there any specific CL features to be avoided

I think GCL could be considered a rough subset of all others, but it
seems gcl is moving pretty fast towards ANSI CL.

    Stavros> because they're known to be flaky or grossly inefficient or whatever on
    Stavros> some implementations?

Can't think of anything right now.
