frustrated (nomore?-)user

I encountered the following in comp.lang.lisp, maybe we can do something 
about it: (at least we should answer)

Martin Rubey <> writes:

> Fred Gilham <> writes:
> > I admit to being a bit dismayed by some of the directions the people
> > working on Maxima took.  But the big advantage of free software is
> > that one could always start a branch.... :-)
> Could you give some details. Since I do some maxima stuff, I'd be 

First of all, the Maxima install doesn't work under FreeBSD with CMU
Lisp.  Something is wrong with the two (!) startup scripts used to get
it running.  I submitted a bug report about this a long time ago.

Running it without the startup scripts works, but doesn't set all the
environment variables that need to be set.

Xmaxima kills my X server.

These problems seem associated with the non-lisp stuff.  More non-lisp
stuff seems to have been added over time.

I guess that's what I mean.  More non-lisp infrastructure keeps
getting added to Maxima and it hasn't helped it to be more reliable
from where I sit.

Fred Gilham | I wish I could get the thing I make
a living at to become a human right.  Then people would be forced to
pay for it and use it.  The only drawback is that, like schoolteachers, 
I probably would wind up actually doing something else.