another poster / vect.mac

I would advise to use itensor. The following will work under 
clisp,cmucl,sbcl (for gcl you should compile itensor before).
(C1) batch("");

batching /home/vpip/work/math/emf/emf_ro/tmp/
(C2)                             LOAD(
(C3)                           BOTHCASES : FALSE
(D3)                                 FALSE
(C4)                             LOAD(itensor)
(D4)     /usr/local/share/maxima/
(C5)                              DUMMYX : U
(D5)                                   U
(C6)                                DIM : 3
(D6)                                   3
(C7)                            ALLSYM : FALSE
(D7)                                 FALSE
(C8)                        DECLARE(LCH, CONSTANT)
(D8)                                 DONE
(C9)             DECSYM(LCH, 0, 3, [], [CYC(ALL), ANTI(ALL)])
(D9)                                 DONE
(C10)            DECSYM(LCH, 3, 0, [CYC(ALL), ANTI(ALL)], [])
(D10)                                DONE
(C11) EXPR : LCH([], [I, J, K]) DIFF(LCH([K, L, M], []) U([], [L]) V([], 

(D11) LCH([], [I, J, K]) (U([], [L]) V([], [M], J) LCH([K, L, M], [])

                                  + U([], [L], J) V([], [M]) LCH([K, L, 
M], []))
                      I  U1     I  U1     I    U1    I    U1
(D12)               U  V    - V  U    + U    V   - V    U
                         ,U1       ,U1    ,U1        ,U1

Rob McDonald wrote:
> Martin was kind enough to answer some of my questions in a newsgroup, and to
> direct me towards Maxima, and thereby here.
> I need to work with vector & tensor (dyad) derivatives (grad, div, curl,
> tensor div) abstractly.  I don't want the CAS program to try to evaluate the
> derivative itself, rather it should be left as an operator.  Thereby
> something like
> DECLARE([u,v],nonscalar);
> should return something akin to
> u*div(v)-v*div(u)+(v dot del)u-(u dot del)v
> We have been discussing some elementary forms related to my larger problem;
> baby steps are always a good idea.  But, to put my problem into perspective,
> I'll state it here.
> I am looking for an alternate form of the expression on the LHS.  The first
> term on the RHS is an educated guess (and may well be quite wrong), and
> I would like to see how it pans out.  I need to figure out exactly what
> those
> other terms are.
> curl ( u dot vv ) = u cross div (vv) + other terms...
> Where (vv) is the tensor dyad formed from the arbitrary vector (v); and (u)
> is a vector such that div(u)=0 and curl(u)=0.
> I have just downloaded 5.9.0 binaries, and have poked around a bit, but like
> Martin, I have not been able to make much progress following what vect.mac
> and vector.mac from CVS would suggest.
> Thanks for your time and any suggestions,
>         Rob McDonald
>>I couldn't reproduce the desired equation using the (patched) vect.mac.
>>However I don't know ANYTHING about this stuff...
>>>From: "Rob McDonald" <robm at asdl>
>>>Subject: Re: Different sort of CAS problem
>>>Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic
>>>Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 15:18:20 -0500
>>>Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology
>>>Can maxima do this with vector field entities?
>>>For example, if u and v are vector fields, how will maxima handle
>>>curl(v cross u)
>>>if it can return something like
>>>u*div(v)-v*div(u)+(v dot del)u-(u dot del)v
>>>and similar expressions for
>>>divergence(v cross u)
>>>grad(v dot u)
>>>I would jump to it in a heartbeat...
>>>           Rob

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