Re: set.lisp redefines POWERSET / {} for sets

--- Martin RUBEY <> wrote:
> 1. operators in the interactive session should *default* to there
> most common usage (and it should be easy to change that, it is in 
> maxima I believe)

How about this:  We create a sample init file that makes these
assumptions and let the user put it in place if they so desire. We
document it thoroughly, so it becomes both a useful tool for newbies
and a tutorial for the init file.  That way, people could tweak it to
their own liking for say a class environment, so it behaves the way
they want it to.

> 2. a program written in the maxima language should *not* make use of 
> these operators. If it does, it is not "shareable".

This is one of my major reasons for not wanting to make the above init
file the default configuration - people should have to seek out the
simplifying assumptions and know they are not standard before using
them.  Otherwise people will just start writing basic programs with the
simple assumptions and not understand why they don't work for someone
else.  We will probably get some of that anyway, but at least this
would raise the bar a little.

Another thing we could do would be to have the basic init file print a
little warning/info about what it was doing.  Something very brief but
which lets the user know this isn't the standard configuration.  We
could make that a standard for when anyone creates this type of
behavior altering init file.  Not that we could enforce it, of course,
but at least start out that way.

Perhaps, if this becomes a popular thing for class environments, we
could create a repository of init files which customize behavior for
physics, engineering, etc.  Of course when things hit that level it
almost makes as much sense to make a share package that does that job.

What do other people think?


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