--- Barton Willis <willisb@unk.edu> wrote:
> I know of three set packages for Maxima:
> (a) The circa 1982 set.lisp package; it is located in /share/misc.
> The last time I tried loading this package, it was broken.
>From the sound of things, this should go in archive or somewhere
> Recommendations:
> (a) The set package currently in /src should be expunged from Maxima.
> If somebody wants to keep it,
> at least it should be moved to a new directory; named something like
> .../hokie-and-soon-to-be-depreciated-low-quality-code.
> (b) The nset package should be appended to either /share/contrib, or
> /share/misc, or wherever.
We don't want it to go in source? I can upload it to contrib, but if
it's replacing a functionality included by default wouldn't we want it
to be loaded by default?
> (c) We consider formalizing the process for adding new packages to
> Maxima; especially when they are added to /src.
Yes - ideally they should probably undergo some testing of some source,
particularly src stuff, but in the case of something like set which is
badly broken my vote would be to go ahead and move nset in. Better to
plunge in and work with the promising code than mess around with the
older stuff.
As far as formalizing the addition process, that's a tricky one. The
share directories are a little easier since they are discrete packages,
and some guidelines can probably be developed. src I don't know. The
CMUCL xref package may be of some help for plugging in new src code to
see what changes it will cause, but that will require experimentation
and probably won't be compete. Hmm. Richard? How did this work back
in the original development phase?
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