Emaxima problem

C Y <smustudent1@yahoo.com> writes:

> Does anyone else get a hang in emaxima when they try to evaluate the
> following with C-c C-u Shift-c?
> \beginmaximasession
> integrate(a*x^n,x);
> \endmaximasession
> I'm using the latest cvs version.

I just tried it; it didn't hang for me; but I'll look into it some more.

> Also - Jay, is there any way to have the questions and answers show up
> in the output of the cell?  I don't know what the desired behavior is
> for most people, but since the answers determine what the answer to the
> integral will be it might be good to have the ability to include them
> in the output.

Yeah.  I agree having the questions and answers show up in the output
is desirable; for some reason I thought it did, but I just tried it
and it didn't.  I'll try to fix that tonight.
