--- Paul Spitalny <pauls@cascadelinear.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> What I want to do is solve for the solution to a set of 5 equations:
> When I enter the first equation like this:
> (C1) eq1:v1=(1/(z-1))*(b1*vin - g1*v2 - c1*fb);
> I get the following:
> B1 vin - G1
> v2 - C1 fb
> B1 vin - G1 v2 - (EQ1 : v1 = -------------------------) fb
> z - 1
> (D1) v1 = -------------------------------------------------------
> z - 1
> Where I think I should have seen:
> B1 vin - G1 v2 - c1 fb
> (D1) v1 = -------------------------------------------------------
> z - 1
> What went wrong?
c1 is defined as your input statement. Look to the left - see how the
line numbers are labeled (C1) and (D1)? try it with another variable
name and it should be fine. c_1 seems to work for me, for example.
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