atensor, clifford/geometric algebra

On Thursday 13 March 2003 13:58, diedrich wrote:
di> Hello,
di> I was wondering if any effort has been made to implement Clifford or
di> geometric algebra in Maxima? I have read that a package existed for
di> Macsyma called 'atensor' that included Clifford algebra. The following
di> link describes a very basic way to implement Clifford algebra, and
di> describes 'atensor':
di> Since the 'itensor' and 'ctensor' packages have been implemented in
di> Maxima, is there a reason why 'atensor' has not? I'd appreciate anyones
di> feedback on this.
di> Thanks,
di> Ben
The reason is simple the current maxima was separated off the main branch at 
the begining of 1980-th. So our tensor package was out of developing process 
from that time. The commercial development will be likely lost. That is very 
bad. It is like the food which is thrown away when it is not possible to sell 

There is a paper about atensor implementation for REDUCE. It a detailed  
description of many things. I think we could try to reproduce it in maxima.

best regards,