Dear Colleagues,
I try to learn to use Maxima, but few times I have some problems.
My present difficulty concerns the TeX output of Maxima (by using
the tex command), not the Maxima output itself which is perfect ,
under derivabbrev : true. I have the following Maxima session:
(C1) pde : 'diff(u,x,2)+'diff(u,y,2) = 0$
(C2) tex(pde)$
(C3) derivabbrev : true$
(C4) pde$
(C5) tex(pde)$
>From this short session it is clear that the Maxima TeX ouput
ignores the derivabbrev : true$ command (although the actual
Maxima output took into account as I have also observed). This
seems to be rather strange, since the abbreviated appearance of
derivatives is also standard in some cases in mathematical books.
Therefore, I would be glad if you could help me to proceed with
Maxima (if I have made some error in the above commands) or,
in the opposite case, if you could make a change in the Maxima
tex command so that the Maxima abbreviated output (under
derivabbrev : true$) appears also abbreviated when using the tex
command. Now the tex outputs with derivabbrev : false and
derivabbrev : true seem to coincide (completely contrary to the
actual Maxima outputs, which are exactly what I expect to receive).
I will be thankful to you for your advice and help and/or the
correction of this strange tex output, which, in my way of
thinking, could be probably (I am note sure) considered as a kind
of "bug" (or a point for improvement) in the tex Maxima command.
Many sincere thanks in advance and best regards from Patras,