I'm sorry for my previous misleading message.
It is likely that the tex(tensor) have not yet been working, even in the stable release of maxima.
However it should be ok when the things done within emaxima. E.g. after C-c C-u C on the following
cell. I have
\[ \iexpt{G_{\mathrm{A/B}}}{C\*I} \]
However after latex this cell I did not get the upper indexes to display.
So problem is due to emaxima.sty
On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 17:05:05 +0800
VP wrote:
> Hi,
> Something gets broken in tex(tensor expression) after update the cvs tree this day.
> (I would use the old package if the function texput was working there)
> (C1) load(itensor);
> (D1) /usr/local/share/maxima/
> (C2) bothcases:false;
> (D2) FALSE
> (C3) show(G([a,b],[c,i],i2,i1))$
> C I
> (D3) G
> A/B,I2/I1
> (C4) tex(%);
> $$G\left(\left[ A,B \right] ,\left[ C,I \right] ,I_2,I_1\right)$$
> (D4) FALSE
> So tensors are now done in the wrong way