imaxima, xemacs and windows

Thanks Osmo - big steps forward as a result of your input.

I assumed that neither of us could have gotten as far as we did without
fixing the batch/exe file conflict so neglected to mention it - sorry about

You are right about the path problem.  However there is a difference here
with respect to the behaviour regarding directory separators.  The path
returned by "locate-library" here is in the standard Windows format:

  (locate-library "imaxima.lisp")
  "c:\\Program Files\\XEmacs\\XEmacs-21.4.11\\site-lisp\\imaxima.lisp"

What do you get? (Remember that I am using the netinstaller Native XEmacs.)

When I hard wired that path into "imaxima.el", things remained the same as
before (imaxima hangs).  But, when I unixified the hard-wired path:

"c:/Program Files/XEmacs/XEmacs-21.4.11/site-lisp/imaxima.lisp"

I got the following imaxima session:

This is a development version of Maxima. The function bug_report()
provides bug reporting information.
(C1) 1+2;

LaTex error in:  3
(C2) diff(x^2,x);

LaTex error in:  2\*x

so this is good.  It suggests that if "imaxima.el" canonicalises pathnames
with forward slashes we have a good chance of getting things working on
various NT Emacs/XEmacs versions.  (I was worried that there might have been
terminal device problems but hopefully this was a mistake.)

The Tex code which caused the first error is as follows:


% mylatex

Are you using native XEmacs or Cygwin/XFree XEmacs?

Are you saying that it all works correctly for you now?

I'm having trouble working out the exact TeX commands being used to check
the cause of the problem with TeX.  Any help here would be appreciated as I
have very little idea about TeX/LaTeX.  I have a directory with the files
"1.tex", "2.tex", "format.tex" and "mylatex.ltx".  The first two files
correspond to the two maxima commands executed above.

So, what do I type to test TeX on those files?


Mike Thomas.

| -----Original Message-----
| From: maxima-admin at www
| []On Behalf Of Osmo Salomaa
| Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 6:31 AM
| To:
| Subject: imaxima, xemacs and windows
| I earlier wrote that i could not get maxima-5.9.0 to work in xemacs in
| windows. It appears this was just beacuse the maxima.bat and maxima.exe
| have the same names before the ending. I managed to correct this by
| copying maxima.bat to a higher directory and setting this as the
| location of maxima in the imaxima-customization. In the path I have both
| directories, the higher directory first, so that the .bat file is always
| found first and that bat file will then find maxima.exe.
| Mike, make sure that imaxima finds imaxima.lisp. Sometimes it gives an
| error message if it doesn’t find it but not always. For me setting the
| full path to imaxima.lisp in imaxima-customization group works. I’m not
| familiar with unix and windows filenaming differences but I noticed the
| following:
| Lisp File: c:\\gnu\\imaxima.lisp this works
| Lisp File: c:/gnu/imaxima.lisp this works
| Lisp File: c:\gnu\imaxima.lisp with this I get the same error as Mike
| Jesper wrote:
|  >…
|  >which makes imaxima print a message about the commands sent to gs. Do
|  >`C-h l' to get a better view.
| I have tried the patch but where should I get the message of the
| commands sent to gs? In Emacs? Pressings ‘C-h-l’ in xemacs shows the gnu
| general public license.
| Osmo
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