atensor, clifford/geometric algebra

Valerij Pipin wrote:

> di> Ben
> The reason is simple the current maxima was separated off the main branch at 
> the begining of 1980-th. So our tensor package was out of developing process 
> from that time. The commercial development will be likely lost. That is very 
> bad. It is like the food which is thrown away when it is not possible to sell 
> it. 
> There is a paper about atensor implementation for REDUCE. It a detailed  
> description of many things. I think we could try to reproduce it in maxima.
> best regards,
> Valerij 
> _______________________________________________

   This the tragedy of proprietary software; the implications of which 
are clear in this case. Of course, that was back in the 80s, a different 
time and mind set. But many a fine product have been lost to oblivion. 
XLisp-Stat was another...
   I have seen Macsyma in use recently, at the International Lisp 
Conference 2002, in San Francisco, because there was a guy there with a 
notebook and Macsyma. He was a pretty young dude. He said he had it 
because he knew some former Macsyma developers.
   Is there any hope of that code going in to public domain, or being 
open sourced (in an OSI sense) *if we beg them* ? ;-)
   What if...what Maxima developers got in touch with those 
former developers...Any hope?
   By the way, I've been on this list for some time. Maxima *just gets 
better*! You guys deserve major applause!

   A side question: who is the Maxima documentation team?

    Best regards,

      Henry Lenzi