Re: Using TeX

--- Stavros Macrakis <> wrote:
> > if the presentation of expression output in Maxima were built on
> > [various systems], it would not be hideously difficult to present
> > the output so that subexpressions would be selectable,
> representable
> > in 1D form in the input area, and thereby editable.
> Apparently none of the system you mention are available to us (open
> source and compatible with our Lisp platforms)....

>From what I am aware of, the two best open GUI kits for Lisp are McCLIM
and Garnet.  Garnet is older and more mature, and some really excellent
work by Dan has it close to running on Windows.  McCLIM's main
advantage seems to be it is based around CLOS, which doesn't really
mean much to Maxima.  Garnet has its own object system, which looks to
be rather nice for GUI work. 

> > a lot of liabilities come along with using any of these UI systems.
> > I'm not even hinting that someone should duplicate these facilities
> > somehow as open source in Maxima itself, since the liability of
> > employing a particular odd UI modality still remains.
> What are the liabilities?
> What is so odd about this UI modality?
> How hard would it be to duplicate this functionality?
> Is anyone currently working on it?
>       -s

I must confess I'm also confused - what would be the problems with
using one of these systems?


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