A simple question about the 'FUNCTION format.

> func(a,b) := 'func(a,b);
> ev(sum(func(a,b),a,1,2),func);

I think you will get what you want simply with


which gives

   func(2, b) + func(1, b)

The ev(...,func) means "evaluate all the instances of func in the
expression".  That is what is leading to the infinite recursion, since
evaluating func leads to a new instance of func.

Why are you using ev here?  If you must use ev, you can also use the
"noun form" facility:

   func(a,b):= ('func)(a,b);

but this is rather obscure (see below).

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?


As for the meaning of quote ('), this is rather a mess, I'm afraid.  It
gets especially confusing since some things that look like evaluation
are actually simplification.  Also because functions have a hidden
property, noun/verb.

I do NOT believe the current system is very clean or well-designed,
either in syntax or in semantics, but I will explain it as it is. Let's
start in.

Evaluation does two things: it substitutes variable values for variable
names, and it applies functions to their argments.

In the following, let's assume the following definitions:



Let's start with the simplest case, quoting of expressions.  The syntax
for this is '(<<expression>>).  When evaluated, this returns the
expression itself without evaluating it.  I'll show the non-quoted and
the quoted results:

     five  => 5               -- Variable substitution
   '(five) => five            -- Blocked by quoting expression
    'five  => five            -- Equivalent for variables

     square(five)  => 25      -- Variable subst and func application
     square('five) => five^2  -- Quote stops variable subst
   '(f(five)) => f(five)      -- Quote stops all eval within expr

Note that for functional applications, the syntax 'f(x) means something
else -- see below.

     if 3>2 then b else c  => b
     if 3>2 then five else c  => 5
     if 3>2 then 'five else c  => five
   '(if 3>2 then b else c) => if 3>2 then b else c

Simplification, unlike evaluation, never examines variable values, and
never examines function definitions.  It does, however, apply
transformations, either built-in or defined by the user (tellsimp etc.).
In particular, most arithmetic in Maxima is done as *simplification*,
not *evaluation*, e.g. 5+3=>8 is simplification.

Quoting does NOT block simplification:

     five + five  => 10           -- Eval and simp
   '(five + five) => 2*five       -- Simp but no eval
   '(if abs(x^2) >= abs(x)^2 then x+x else 2+3);
       => if x^2 >= x^2 then 2*x else 5)

Notice, too, that not all operations have useful simplifications applied
to them, not even trivial ones.  Though abs(x^2) simplifies to x^2
(since variables are assumed real), x^2 >= x^2 does NOT simplify to
TRUE.  (Should it?  Another story.)

There is one complication here.  It turns out that conditions in IF,
WHILE, etc. are evaluated in a special way, so that

     if '(3>2) then five else c  => 5

Now let's turn to the quoting of functional applications.  There are
three ways to quote a functional application: as a whole expression,
'(f(x)); the application only, ('f)(x); or the function only, 'f(x).

Quoting the whole expression blocks evaluation of the arguments, and
also blocks application of the function to the arguments:

     '(square(five)) => square(five)

Quoting the application only blocks application of the function to the

     ('square)(five) => square(5)

Re-evaluating that expression applies the function:

     ev(('square)(five)) => 25

Quoting the function actually permanently blocks evaluating the

     'square(five) => square(5)

even when it is re-evaluated:

     ev('square(five)) => square(5)

This is a so-called "noun form" as opposed to the "verb form" of a
function.  The only way to force a noun form to be evaluated is to
explicitly cite it as an argument to ev:

     ev('square(five),square) => 25

One of the confusing things about noun forms is that there is no visible
difference to the user between a noun form and a verb form.  Moreover,
there is no way to create the noun form of a function without actually
applying it.  Consider:

   squareverb: 'square => square
   squarenoun: part('square(x),0) => square
   is(squareverb = squarenoun) => false

   map(squareverb, [3,4]) => [9,16]
   map(squarenoun, [3,4]) => [square(3),square(4)]

I do not much like the noun/verb system, but that's the way it is....

If a name in functional position does not have a functional value, it is
normally evaluated before being applied:

   squareverb(5) => 25
   squarenoun(5) => square(5)

All the function quotation techniques block this, but let's not go into
details there....  Suffice it to say that if you want to construct an
application of a variable function to arguments, but not actually apply
it, you must use funmake or substpart.  That's another discussion which
I don't think is necessary here.


By the way....

> (C2) func(a,b) := block([],return('func(a,b)));
> (D2)                FUNC(A, B) := BLOCK([], RETURN('FUNC(A, B)))

You don't need the block or the return here.  Maxima is Lisp-like, so
the following will work:

   FUNC(A, B) := BLOCK([], 'FUNC(A, B));

or simply

   FUNC(A, B) := 'FUNC(A, B);

Not relevant to your particular problem, but....