Differences between Maxima and Macsyma and GPL vs. commercial version

Thanks Dave.

| Does the win32 gnuplot support pipes.  It didn't used to, The windows
| versions of octave needs (or needed) the pipe-gnuplot.exe untility.

The binary downloads of GnuPlot 3.73 and 3.8i I got each contain
pgnuplot.exe and wgnuplot.exe, the former of which supposedly works with
pipes.  That was the version I used, but I was assuming that it was a
standalone executable - I think that may have been a mistake.  I'll try
again later with eyes more open.

|   * Get a copy of pipe-gnuplot.exe (or, if you want to compile it
|     yourself, the corresponding source file pipe-gnuplot.c) from
|     ftp://ftp.che.wisc.edu/pub/octave/BINARIES/gnu-win32.

That site no longer works, but I got another version of the exe from
elsewhere.  It may be that I won't need it however given the above.


Mike Thomas