OK, good news (thanks again Dave).
Once I understood that "pgnuplot" needed to launch "wgnuplot" rather than
being a standalone plotting executable I got GnuPlot 3.8i going with the CVS
version of Maxima on Windows by:
1. Copying "plotting/mgnuplot" to "plotting/mgnuplot.tcl"
2. Putting "pgnuplot.exe" and "wgnuplot.exe" in the current directory, and
3. Patching "plotting/mgnuplot.tcl" as follows:
< set gnuPlotstream [open {| gnuplot } r+]
> set gnuPlotstream [open {| pgnuplot } r+]
So this Maxima command now launches GnuPlot:
Make sure you don't set the grid size too big. For example, on a 2.4GHz
machine, [grid,100,100] was terribly slow.
Even better, you can use the GnuPlot Options menu to copy the plot picture
to the clipboard, and then paste the picture directly into Word 2000!!!
Strangely enough I haven't flown from XMaxima with the release version
yet - there seems to be some kind of path problem - but i'ts only a matter
of time now.
Mike Thomas.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: maxima-admin at www
| [mailto:maxima-admin@www.ma.utexas.edu]On Behalf Of Mike Thomas
| Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 1:46 PM
| To: David.Billinghurst@riotinto.com; maxima@www.ma.utexas.edu
| Subject: RE: [Maxima] Differences between Maxima and Macsyma and GPL vs.
| commercial version
| Thanks Dave.
| | Does the win32 gnuplot support pipes. It didn't used to, The windows
| | versions of octave needs (or needed) the pipe-gnuplot.exe untility.
| The binary downloads of GnuPlot 3.73 and 3.8i I got each contain
| pgnuplot.exe and wgnuplot.exe, the former of which supposedly works with
| pipes. That was the version I used, but I was assuming that it was a
| standalone executable - I think that may have been a mistake. I'll try
| again later with eyes more open.
| | * Get a copy of pipe-gnuplot.exe (or, if you want to compile it
| | yourself, the corresponding source file pipe-gnuplot.c) from
| | ftp://ftp.che.wisc.edu/pub/octave/BINARIES/gnu-win32.
| That site no longer works, but I got another version of the exe from
| elsewhere. It may be that I won't need it however given the above.
| Cheers
| Mike Thomas
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