picking out parts of a expresssion

I have a long expression involving several functions, including
and fresnelG.  I would like to go thru this expression, and pull out the

arguments of these 2 functions.  Following is part of the expression.
fresnelg( - ((sqrt(2) * f)/(200 * sqrt(5))) - ((1595600001 *
sqrt(2))/(10000 * sqrt(5)))) *
sin(((2 * %pi * f)/25) + ((%pi)/625)) + 2*fresnelg(((sqrt(2) * f)/(200 *
sqrt(5))) - ((1595599999 * sqrt(2))/(10000 * sqrt(5))))
The reason I am doing this, is that I want to evaluate the limit of this
at certain points, and I want to automate producing atvalue expressions.

Dan Stanger