What are all good GUI & plotting package options for Maxima?
Subject: What are all good GUI & plotting package options for Maxima?
From: C Y
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 06:08:39 -0800 (PST)
--- Boris Veytsman <borisv@lk.net> wrote:
> SM> From: "Stavros Macrakis" <stavros.macrakis at verizon>
> SM> Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 00:16:49 -0500
> SM> Though I'd also be interested to know what other packages are out
> SM> there (and their advantages and disadvantages), let's not write
> SM> off gnuplot for license reasons just yet.
> I agree. Personally I invested a lot into gnuplot, using it for many
> projects, and deletion of maxima-gnuplot interface would be a bad
> news for me.
> --
> Good luck
> -Boris
No one is proposing getting rid of it, or even abandoning maintainance
of it. I personally like gnuplot too, especially the cvs version. But
as a project we don't want to depend too heavily on it, since there are
limits as to what we can do with it. If the gnuplot team were to up
and quit, all we could do if I understand correctly would be to release
patches against the last version. Not that I expect that to happen,
but it must be kept in the back of our minds.
Personally I think their choice of license is rather unfortunate, since
projects like Scigraphica and Kmatplot can't use the code but have to
duplicate the effort. Here's the relevant part from gnuplot:
* Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
* distribute the complete modified source code. Modifications are to
* be distributed as patches to the released version.
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