Subject: displa for sub and superscripted functions
From: Barton Willis
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 17:22:03 -0500
I'm trying to get my jacobi polynomials to display correctly. My (bogus)
code is
(setf (get '$jacobi_p 'dimension) 'dimension-jacobi-p)
(defun dimension-jacobi-p (form result)
(let ((form1 `((mexpt) (($P simp array) ,(nth 1 form))
(,(nth 2 form) ,(nth 3 form)))))
(dimension-function `((,form1 simp) ,(nth 4 form)) result)))
It "works" for
(C5) jacobi_p(n,a,b,x);
(a, b)
(D5) P (x)
but fails for
(C6) jacobi_p(n,1/2,b,x);
("//", SIMP)(b)
(D6) P (x)
A general dimension function for subscripted and superscripted functions
would be ideal. It would need to optionally surround super or subscripts
with parens. I understand mactex a bit better and was able to do this
for mactex.