plotting trouble

--- test <> wrote:
> I just installed Maxima (MacOSX 10.2.4 Darwin).
> It seems work fine.
> But I have a problem like bellows;
> 	(C1) plot2d([atan(x), erf(x), tanh(x)], [x,-5,5]);
> 		/usr/local/libexec/maxima/5.9.0/omplotdata: exec: wish: not found

This error indicates the wish program wasn't found, which is a tk
specific program.  Do you have TCL/TK installed?

> I am newbie at UNIX system.
> I don't know how do I mange this.
> In /usr/local/libexec/, there is no maxima found.
> Please help.

Um.  Don't know about that one.


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