Case sensitivity (was Conjugate is weird)

Dear Colleagues,

Naturally, I completele agree with James and Vadim in
James' suggestion:

> James Amundson writes:
>  > -- In my opinion, we should
>  >     a) Make Maxima totally case sensitive.
>  >     b) Make the Maxima built-in functions lower case.

I strongly support this plan (no hesitations) too.  I do not
like Mathematica's notation Cos[x] (I prefer Maxima's
cos(x) in this particular way and my students too), but I
like the case-sensitivity in Mathematica and Maple, e.g.

LinearDifferentialEquation or FredholmIntegralEquation
or OrdinaryBeamBendingMoment, etc., etc., etc.

Moreover, in beams Q(x) denotes the ShearForce, but
q(x) the NormalDistributedLoading (which is the derivative
of Q(x)). In so many cases, one should use a capital letter
but in other cases a lower-case letter for a particular symbol.
This has been also mentioned during the discussion.

In my way of thinking (and my way of working of course), 
James' suggestion is perfect, but, naturally, it requires
implementation, most probably somewhat automatic. 

Best regards,


>  "Vadim V. Zhytnikov" <> wrote: 
> James Amundson writes:
>  > -- In my opinion, we should
>  >     a) Make Maxima totally case sensitive.
>  >     b) Make the Maxima built-in functions lower case.
> I strongly support this plan.
> First, I'm quite sure that case sensitivity is
> very convenient and important feature.
> I infer this from my personal practical
> experience with different CAS (say Reduce (case
> insensitive) vs Mathematica (case sensitive)).
> Second, present Maxima case sensitivity scheme
> is very confusing and I feel that it will be
> a permanent source of misunderstanding for
> users.  I don't see any other way to
> resolve this problem but make Maxima
> strictly case sensitive.
> -- 
>       Vadim V. Zhytnikov