naming conventions, was: Case sensitivity

--- Robert Dodier <> wrote:

> I think Maxima should be case sensitive, and should
> not have a mechanism for making it case insensitive.
> I think it's better to decide on one good way to do
> things, and stick to it; accomodating preferences
> of a minority of users on some inessential point
> is just a diversion of effort that would be better
> spent on other tasks.

Well, so far my idea hasn't found any supporters at
all, even from the case insensitive camp :-).  I guess
I'm missing something.

I'm not sure I'd agree it's inessential - it does impact
the way some rather active Maxima users work, and a big
decision for the project.  It's worth the discussion, 
even if the net result is I get voted off the island ;-).
> There's a much greater payoff in accomodating 
> Greek and other alphabets in symbols, I think.

For that, we also need a display capable of using such
characters, and I think also a lisp implimentation with 
unicode support.  I agree we will need that, but I don't
think we are at that stage.  Xmaxima can display greek
letters with some tweaking, but I don't think Xmaxima is
our long term GUI solution.

> Just my 0.02 US$.

That makes about a dollar in that jar now :-).


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