Subject: Case sensitivity, line labels and the future
From: Martin RUBEY
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 16:19:21 +0200 (CEST)
On Tue, 15 Apr 2003, Felix E. Klee wrote:
> Having contributed packages be in lower case might be a good compromise
> between the two camps. However, I disagree that such packages will break
> things. When we start using Unicode characters, then in a case insensitive
> environment "Foo" could be printed as e.g. "%0046oo" or something similar.
> Sticking to such a convention is much easier than inventing out own
> convention like "F_capitaloo".
I agree partially: %0046oo is better than F_capitaloo. But having
package contributers contribute in lower case only, is best. I don't want
to be obliged to use some special frontend in order to read somebody's
(Don't get me wrong: I think unicode support is good, but stuff used by
more than one person should be plain ascii. (no, not latin1, if possible)