Case sensitivity, line labels and the future

>>>>> "Felix" == Felix E Klee <> writes:

    Felix> I just object the idea of handling and storing all data in lower case. Maxima 
    Felix> should handle Unicode by default. This will make it much more accessible to 
    Felix> people in non english environments. However, e.g. in the command line 
    Felix> interface the user should have an option (maybe as a command line switch) to 
    Felix> work in a case insensitive environment. In such an environment Unicode 
    Felix> characters are displayed and can be entered as %XXXX. And when such a user 
    Felix> doesn't use exotic 3rd party packages he doesn't even need to bother with 
    Felix> Unicode because everything is in lowercase anyways.

As an illiterate person, I would very much like it if all stuff in
maxima were written in English.  [1]  



[1] I think that one of the barriers in Clisp development was that
    most of the code and comments were in German.  At least that
    certainly hindered me. :-)