Subject: Case sensitivity (was Conjugate is weird)
From: Raymond Toy
Date: 16 Apr 2003 09:44:33 -0400
>>>>> "James" == James Amundson <> writes:
James> Let me make a couple of points clear:
James> 2) I propose to make all of the maxima code use a single case (lower
James> case). There will be no InterCaps, or other use of mixed case.
James> (InterCaps were cool to me when I first saw them used in the 80's. Now
James> they seem as about as tasteful as many other things that were cool in
James> the 80's, e.g., MiamiVice.) We could make "all lower case maxima code" a
James> coding standard.
James> Does putting the code in all lower-case make case-sensitivity sound more
James> palatable to you?
Yes, that's fine. After all, I use Unix all the time in lower-case
mode, and I don't complain about its case-sensitivity. :-) And I
actually use the case-sensitivity so that important files and
directories have upper-case names so they stand out.
James> I certainly never had a DWIM system in mind, even though I can see how
James> my wording would lead you to think that. I was thinking about a system
James> like Mathematica's. Mathematica simply warns you when you have used a
James> symbol that is similar to an existing symbol. It is important that such
James> warnings can be turned off.
This is also acceptable. Of course, I'd want the default to be off,
but perhaps that wouldn't be nice to new users. :-)